When you obtain your own server, you'll have more independence on what you can install and run compared to a shared web hosting account. With a shared service, you have access just to your own account, thus you aren't able to install server-side software. While this is not a concern for the majority of script-driven apps, there are a few that have specific requirements and need certain software to be present on the web server either for some additional features or for them to work at all. In case you have experience, you won't have any troubles to run the hosting server, but if you do not, you may simply not have the knowledge to handle everything and use the script apps which you want. If that's the case, you could use our Installation & Troubleshooting upgrade, which means that our system administrators can setup everything for you and aid you with any issues that you might come across.
Installation and Troubleshooting in VPS Servers
The upgrade can be ordered for any of the VPS server solutions regardless of the Operating System and Control Panel which you have chosen or the task that you need to be performed as our admins will aid you with anything related to the software on the hosting server. This includes, but is not limited to, installing third-party applications, setting up hosting server options, troubleshooting scripts in case they do not work adequately, etcetera. The upgrade includes sixty minutes of work and if a particular task requires less time, the remaining minutes will be available for the future and shall be listed inside the VPS billing CP. You can use the Installation & Troubleshooting service either as a separate upgrade or as an addition to the Managed Services upgrade, which offers half an hour of custom work on your machine. In this way, you could work on your Internet sites without having to worry that you won't be able to use some application or losing time on complex matters.
Installation and Troubleshooting in Dedicated Servers
You could add the upgrade to any one of the dedicated servers we offer at any time that you need it. If you need any custom work from our administrators immediately after your web server is prepared, you'll be able to get the upgrade during the server signup procedure, or if you need something to be done afterwards, you can add the upgrade from your billing CP. The Installation & Troubleshooting service comes with one hour of work from our admins on your server, so if you encounter any problems to install a third-party software or some app gives errors and does not work the way it ought to, our experts will be able to assist you in a very timely manner. If a task takes less than an hour, the rest of the time will be available for future tasks and you will be able to see it inside the billing area. This upgrade is perfect in the event that you don't have lots of experience with managing a server or if you use our Managed Services upgrade, but you deplete the thirty minutes custom work it includes.